


“In these uncertain times, sometimes you just need some raw, kick arse rock ‘n’ roll to help you kick out the jams and right on cue, here come Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons to deliver the goods… Four albums in and there doesn’t appear to be any sign of them running out of steam anytime soon.” 8/10 VIVE LE ROCK

“Beast is an all out assault that shows that this band is still full of creativity and hunger, succeeding in transferring their incendiary live power to the grooves of records.” LOUDER THAN WAR

"There’s more fuzz on this than a box of rotting fruit in a share house kitchen. Two guitars, drums, no bass, simple punk rock songs and Puss Johnson’s tuneful, yet in-your-face, vocal is a monstrously good combination.

'Beast' is 12 songs by a UK band with a venomous sound on a German label. Who says Brexit is a thing?

The back story is that guitarist Dirty Jake formed the band in 2002... ...So they pre-date Amyl and The Sniffers - who are an obvious comparator - by a fair stretch." - THE I-94 BAR

“…up-tempo and catchy as f**k.” ISSUE

“…if we awarded marks out of ten, ‘Beast’ would doubtlessly achieve a purr-fect ten. It really is the cat’s whiskers. But enough of the cat puns, we guarantee that you will be seeing more of this album when we compile our Album of the Year list in December.” EIGHTH DAY

“It’s hard to believe that “Beast” is Pussycat And The Dirty Johnsons fourth full length, the band have been a constant presence on the UK scene for ten years, that’s seventy years in cat terms, with their current moniker, although the band’s roots go back almost twice as far with their original incarnation as The Johnsons. Pussycat And The Dirty Johnsons latest album follows in the turbulent wake of their impressive trashy trio of releases, 2010’s “Exercise Your Demons“, 2013’s “Dirty Rock N Roll” and 2017’s “Ain’t No Pussy“. “Beast” will be unleashed on August 28th via Hound Gawd! Records, their latest album features twelve fresh cuts of undiluted and unadulterated rock ‘n roll, and let’s be honest, would you expect anything else from this trio?

The line up remains unchanged for the third album in a row, “Dirty” Jake Johnson‘s reverb heavy and overdriven rock ‘n roll riffs are underpinned by “Filfy” Antz Johnson‘s thunderous precise beats, with the mesmerising Puss Johnson‘s howling vocals completing the unholy trio. ‘Lying In My Bed‘ wakes the “Beast“, the distorted riff and thundering drums indicate that Pussycat And The Dirty Johnsons are staying true to the path they set out on a decade ago, every single track is a hit of rock ‘n roll that has been spiked with punk, garage and psychobilly to create something that stands out amongst the throng of band’s that are supercharging rock ‘n roll’s spirit. There is something about Pussycat And The Dirty Johnsons that is utterly captivating, I can testify to this as I’ve been a fan ever since I saw the video for the superb ‘Trouble With The Devil‘, from that point I was hooked, and if you like like your rock ‘n roll down ‘n dirty then you’ll probably have the same experience.

Pussycat And The Dirty Johnsons aren’t going to change for anyone, and not to put too finer point on it, why the fuck should they? The band has a unique sound and stage presence, the looming presence of “Dirty” Jake Johnson is in stark contrast to the slight feline whirlwind that is Puss Johnson, and they do what they do, and they do it with a passion and commitment that captures the original spirit of rock ‘n roll and blends it perfectly with a fuck you punk attitude. If you loved their previous albums then this is another dose of dirty rock ‘n roll done like no one else does it. If you haven’t heard or encountered them then why not adopt a stray pussycat from your local record shelter, keep putting out that saucer of milk and some moonshine, ‘cos Pussycat And The Dirty Johnsons aren’t going anywhere." - THE PUNK SITE

“…a great record that makes the wait to go and see gigs even more unbearable…” VEGLAM

“…uninhibited oldschool punk snot. In doing so, the three get a good grip on the fact that they perform without clichés and completely obstinate, without drifting off into retro-banality. The energy of the trio is immense from the first to the last minute…” OX MAGAZINE

“…a potent dose of pummel.” THE VINYL DISTRICT

“…far and away Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons best and most complete album to date and shows a band confident in themselves and what they’re doing, while also being entirely honest and open with it and not afraid to push their own boundaries or those of the listener.” TOMMY GIRARD

'…Beast is a noisy rock 'n' roll record like few others…'
"Puss Johnson è quella ragazza acconciata e truccata a mo’ di gatta sulla quale vi siete probabilmente imbattuti sui social. Il fatto che l’abbiate incrociata di recente è dovuta al fatto che la sua band ha messo fuori il suo quarto album proprio in questi giorni e che adesso grazie alla Hound Gawd! può godere di una visibilità che i vecchi album prodotti “in famiglia” non avevano avuto. E dunque Beast, nonostante i panni sporchi sia consigliabile lavarli in casa, porta la cesta del bucato fuori dal lavatoio domestico e lo stendono, sporco per com’è, dove tutti possono vederlo.

A guardia, una doppia fila di denti affilati. Perché nessuno si avvicini più di quanto viene concesso. Che non è tantissimo: Beast è un disco di rock ‘n’ roll chiassoso come pochi, una sorta di miscela tra gli Yeah Yeah Yeahs e le X-Ray Spex libere dal fardello dei fiati. Le canzoni del terzetto inglese non prevedono uno sviluppo classico e raramente ci si imbatte in qualcosa che possa farvi ricordare un ritornello. Si tratta di stomp che lavorano più sul mood, sulla fisica dell’urto, sulle dinamiche del fastidio. Utilizzando un ricettario che si sposta dal blues velenoso in stile Lydia Lunch/PJ Harvey fino al noise meccanico degli Orange 9mm o dei primissimi Skunk Anansie, pur divergendo da entrambi nella resa finale, sicuramente più iconoclasta e intrisa di punk/blues cagnesco.

Venite a prendere un tè da loro, se avete il coraggio." - REVERENDO LYS

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